Release Notes

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Add Sections
Expand your proposal by adding new sections to accommodate additional information or requirements.
Remove Sections
Streamline your proposal by removing unnecessary sections, keeping it focused and concise.
Rename Sections
Tailor your proposal's language and headings to better suit your audience and project goals.
Reorder Sections
Organize your proposal logically by dragging and dropping sections to their desired positions.

Streamlined Outline Structuring

We are excited to introduce new features to make managing proposal structures more efficient:

  • Effortless Section Management: Drag and drop to reorganize your proposal, delete unnecessary sections, rename for clarity, and add new sections for additional information.
  • Efficient Requirements Organization: Easily archive, move, add, and edit requirements within sections to ensure your proposal is comprehensive and addresses all necessary points.

These enhancements are designed to streamline your workflow and help you create more structured, effective, and compliant proposals. See it in Action! Watch the full demo to explore these features and see how they can transform your proposal creation process. Try it out on your next proposal with Ensis.

Transitioning to GPT-4o

Ensis is now upgraded to the cutting-edge GPT-4o model, reflecting our commitment to providing you with the most advanced and efficient technology. With GPT-4o, you can expect:

  • Enhanced Requirements Parsing: Experience faster, more accurate requirements parsing, ensuring your proposals align precisely with client specifications, reducing revisions, and ensuring nothing is overlooked.
  • Superior Content Generation: GPT-4o delivers refined, coherent, and persuasive content, enabling you to craft compelling proposals that stand out, whether for complex RFPs or customized pitches.


Introducing Outline Editing

We are excited to introduce easy outline editing. This enhancement allows you to effortlessly customize the structure of your proposals, ensuring they align with each opportunity. With greater flexibility and control, ensure the format of every proposal is optimized to increase your chances of success.

Add Sections

Expand your proposal by adding new sections to accommodate additional information or requirements.

Remove Sections

Streamline your proposal by removing unnecessary sections, keeping it focused and concise.

Rename Sections

Tailor your proposal's language and headings to better suit your audience and project goals.

Reorder Sections

Organize your proposal logically by dragging and dropping sections to their desired positions.

With Ensis, you can ensure your proposals are well-organized and clear. View this short tutorial to see how it works, and start enhancing your proposals today!